• @Mzuark
    112 years ago

    Front page news right now is that Zelensky is scared that the West is “losing interest” in the war. What a fucking scumbag, we give him 10s of billions of dollars in military equipment and aid, let him appear at colleges and fucking award shows just to talk bout how important the war is, give him a platform to talk about mass shootings in America as if that’s any of his concern and he has the audacity to get mad that Ukraine isn’t the only thing in the news anymore.

    I fully expect Ukraine to start launching missiles at Moscow to try and get the US invovled, because Zelensky and his Nazi pals are clearly desperate for the West to intervene. Granted we did create the situation but Z-man is an adult and can’t blame us for everything.

    • @cfgaussian
      82 years ago

      No missile that Ukraine can launch stands a chance of reaching Moscow. It would get shot down way before it even got close. But he can try. Only he better be prepared for Russia to retaliate in ways that they have so far refrained from out of restraint and respect for international norms.