• @Rafael_Luisi
    92 years ago

    I mean, if we compare to what happened to the rest of the central powers, the germans got out of it lucky, alsace-lorraine never was even ment to be german, on the franco-prussian war they only got it because the german population would not allow an peace deal with the french that would not get any territory, so france was right into getting it back, the colonies where nor german, nor european by that matter, and did not impact the lifes of the actual german population, the biggest dick move of the Entente was giving poland much more territory then they should have gotten, that was an extremelly bad move and it only breed an scenario for an eventual war.

    But it doesnt matter how much humiliated germany got, if we compare the west germany with the east germany we can clearly see who persecuted the nazis and executed them and who gived them jobs on the goverment or helped then go to america. Socialism is the only cure for rabid nationalism in a country, east germany was literaly just an quarter of germany, yet there was no rabid nazis and no hate against the people who defeated them.