A lil context for why I get so worked up about it more than most. My grandma lived in East Poland(current day Belarus) and when Nazis came, my grandma’s family fled east while her father fought. Long story short, the kids(grandma and siblings) were the ones that survived and were split up across the globe. That’s the Super streamlined version. So when Bill Maher says “oh I didn’t like Nazis either but you can’t punch someone who’s not doing anything” I want to punch HIM too. The implicit support is a lesson to learn from. Also why didn’t the US kill the last Nazi collaborator living in Queens,NY instead of deportation? Watch the part where Chuck Schumer explains the deportation if you wanna cringe. https://youtu.be/nW8sC9JA2Is https://youtu.be/KzW8NYeQbo4 These are the 2 vids that inspired this. I think the main reason people should workout is so that when they punch a Nazi, they don’t get back up.TL;DR: My grandma was affected by Nazis, now libs are “tolerant” of them.

  • VictimOfReligion
    2 years ago

    I understand it, and at the same time, I know people can change 180°. I’m evidence for it. When I was religious I was the kind of people that thought that a poor person probably “deserved it because they expended everything on habits”, was LGBTphobic, anti-atheist, though that communism was worse than nazism, that nazism wasn’t that bad compared with what we have, and wanted theocracism, and all that horrible stuff that I would male a wall text, and now I would kill to protect my comrades and (real) endangered subclasses/groups like LGBT folk, the poor, etc from precisely the kind of people I was.

    Sure I was never a fascist in the specific sense, but I believe that theocrats are not better.

    • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
      2 years ago

      Yea when I was a kid, I fell for a lot of anti-comm shit, never fully bc of my grandma dunking on the “no food” stuff and a few others. And I do agree that people with troubling backgrounds can absolutely change for the better. You bring up good points. I suppose I’m not quite sure where I stand on it. 10/10 times I want a reactionary to learn from their mistakes, it’s just that people real far along in indoctrination can be hard to help and it sorta changes what people think of them if they actually were active in enforcing their beliefs. That being said, ex-fascists are a good way of deradicalizing other reactionaries, bc they have similar experience. I suppose we should be grateful for anyone that comes our way, lord knows that the Righties will accept a former lefty-turned-fascist, so I suppose we should accept ex-fascists, but it’s not such an easy conclusion to come to, but overall I’d say I agree more than I disagree with you on that

      • VictimOfReligion
        2 years ago

        Well, the work that Democratic Republic of Germany on fascists was a really good job… I have my hopes with it.