• Justice
    1 year ago

    Yeah, no shit.

    The western capitalist countries are trying to distract their citizens from seeing progress China has made especially in the last two or three decades. They’re making a complete mockery of the US and our withering and crumbling … everything.

    If any country is on the brink of collapse I’d put way more bets on it being the one who has alienated itself by warmongering and actively invading and couping countries all over the world for 100 years. A country that dumps every resource it can muster into a perverted fusion of private and public military contract system resulting in overproduction of a worthless (from actual improvement of society) commodities that it then dumps en masse into developing countries.

    It’s pretty much plainly obvious I think at this point, but if the US doesn’t reign in the insanely out of control military bullshit (and that includes funding wars like in Ukraine and funding for apartheid countries like Israel) there’s no way the US doesn’t eventually (timelines are impossible on this shit) collapse under its own rotten infrastructure. The neoliberals since around the late 1970s have been absolutely fucking dead set on accelerating that rot. I dunno when it gives in, but in the meantime I expect a nonstop deluge of continued warmongering and projections of the rest of the world collapsing.

    “Mass transit? Wtf is that? Here’s a neat missile!”

    “Healthcare? Huh? Here’s another $100B for Ukraine.”

    “Public education funding? How about more police? Best we can do.”

    “Drug addicted, sick, and unhealthy population? Personal problem! Moral failing! What do you except from the government!?”