• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I mean they literally passed a special aid package thing that qualifies CIA (maybe others too) to get free medical care and like medical retirement or compensation pay for a fully made up issue

    The people who pulled off this psyop/grift should honestly take that massive W and never speak publicly about it again. Like, you won. The individuals who were in the CIA for like 5 years, lied about all the bullshit, and are now retired at 35 with full medical… they won. Really pushing their luck bringing it up just to rub it in people’s faces.

    Kinda like Bibi going to DC. Sure, it’s probably going to result in absolutely zero consequences as usual… but why are you playing with fire like this?

    Risk/reward motherfuckers! The only “reward” is knowledge that you have cucked the US government and the risk is everything!

  • (This does not reduce the accusation, but must be stated) it’s been long known that Tate was raping (he would call it sex but it would be rape legally) underage girls. His defense was, or his weirdo cult’s defense of him was, the age of consent is lower in UK. 16 I think. Still pretty sure filming sexual acts with <18 is illegal everywhere in the world that I’m aware of. You can have sex some places but not film it legally.

    He was also investigated for non-statutory raped, as in just fully forced sexual assault in UK but no charges were brought despite him literally admitting it via text

    He was also investigated and arrested by Romanian police for rape, human trafficking and some other stuff along with his brother for basically forcing young women into sexual slavery to create cam girl and onlyfans type content. He’s still going through the legal system there and is barred from leaving the country.

    For those who somehow missed all the Tate stuff- he’s a massive MASSIVE pile of shit and deserves worse than Romania will ever give him.

  • I kinda think Biden/DNC is just letting Genocide Joe stay to drag down Kamala. Obviously she can do that on her own well enough, but while he remains there people like Kirby also remain. Kamala could get rid of Kirby for remarks like he made yesterday (not saying she would, but she could). But with Biden, who apparently fully agrees with the liquid shit dribbling from Kirby’s mouth, all these absolute demons that caused the resentment of Biden’s entire administration will remain and put a cap on Kamala. Maybe some people are deluded into thinking she will clean out the worst actors like Kirby, but her pro-genocide speech the other day indicates that no, no she won’t be doing that. Or they’ll be replaced with equally evil people.

  • Calling people left wing in the US (where this doesn’t exist basically) is comical, but, they’re right people were riding on hope.

    Which Kamala killed yesterday pretty much for good with her dogshit support of genocide statement on support for Israel.

    The media is really trying to run with “but she didn’t sound as mean as Joe!” I’m gonna place more importance on her specifically repeating the mass rapes thoroughly debunked and destroyed lie, myself. She didn’t have to tell that lie. She really didn’t have to tell any lies. Yet she did.

    So much for that hope

    Also, I can’t find why Starmer is a “sir.” Wikipedia says he did some legal work (the OI BRUV DA FACK language around law/lawyers is indecipherable) in the illegally occupied northern portion of Ireland. Sounds like he got one of those participation trophies I always hear boomers talking about except it’s a stupid title in front of his name.

  • Nah that wouldn’t be the conclusion

    The conclusion would be “saying free Palestine, etc. or attending protests is now considered aiding and abetting a known terror group. This applies retroactively as Hamas has been on the terror watch list for some time.”

    It’s incredibly obvious that far right wingers in the US (like 80-90% of congress btw, not representative of the US population but they are the ones with legal power) are pushing the narrative, against all reason and all evidence, that Israel is smol bean innocent, Palestinians are all terrorists, and although laws exist to prosecute people in the US who materially aid terror groups, they very very very much so wish to expand that to any and all “support” for terror groups. Since the entire Palestinian movement has been basically washed with the term terrorist… very clear where the Nazis want to go with that here.

    Germany’s already on the final steps of this idea. Wouldn’t surprise me to see the rest of the EU just follow along especially if an attack happens (legitimate or not doesn’t matter. The fact that an attack could lead to these restrictions just tells me it will inevitably happen unless something is done about the root problem which is Zionist propaganda but even further to getting rid of the arbitrary term “terrorist” that has been used to justify anything for ~25 years now… longer, but especially since 9/11.

  • Obergefell was codified (essentially) a year and a half ago

    Now this doesn’t stop SCOTUS from attempting fuckery, but the fact that the law passed with 61 votes in third reich of a senate the US has… says all one should need to know about how congress and the president should react if SCOTUS even tried. But of course, they should’ve already ejected 6 members from that court years ago or just all agreed that SCOTUS doesn’t exist for what it’s currently doing and them saying “nuh, uh! We do!” actually means nothing except the meaning congress continues to allow.

    Alternatively, SCOTUS did make it fully legal for a president to say “this is an official act” then drop a 2000lb bomb on the supreme court 🤷‍♂️ not me saying that, they passed the ruling.

  • All of those things are arguably absolutely required if one’s goal is to create a stable capitalist country. Unfettered free market capitalism, basically what the US has (but don’t tell that to a delusional right winger), is a complete and utter failure obviously for the labor class but also for the capital holders. As they destroy more and more regulations, dissolve more government agencies, and basically force more people into poverty, block all infrastructure rebuilding or upgrades, etc. they degrade their own surroundings. Unless their goal is to live in a mansion on a hill (legitimately the goal for some, but even then…) they still want to interact with the rest of society to some degree. They want to go to disney world or some shit. They go to the movies. They take their Lambos out for a drive. Whatever the fuck rich people do, it’s going to involve other humans and while sure they can privatize and privatize and privatize and own their own little whatevers, race tracks, helicopters to avoid roads, whatever else, the simple fact of life is they’re actively degrading the quality of life of everyone around them until they’re living right next to a “shithole” of their own creation.

    really one of those “you did all this evil terrible shit… for this?” moments. You’d hope anyway. They’ll just blame the poors for being poor though…

  • American Empire is over

    “You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.”

    Also, I would argue, that bending to all the insane reactionaries like Bibi, Greenblatt, etc. and fully enabling and furthering genocide only guarantees and quickens the demise of Israel. If they actually cared about maintaining the outpost, they’re doing exactly the opposite thing to keeping it. Allowing Palestine as a state and forcing Israel to stand down vs Iran and other regional powers would be how you keep it around… longer anyway. They’re living in 1991 forever thinking the US can do literally anything it wants and support anything it wants, and actually it MUST support this because showing “weakness” would be worse than defeat. It’s not 1991 though and the Zionists are hellbent on replicating the Führer bunker but on the nation state level

  • The bar to win (vs Trump) is insanely low and one simple thing she has to do, and just failed to do, is yank the chain around Israel’s neck.

    Stop caving to the most racist, frothing at the mouth pieces of shit like Greenblatt.

    You could actually counter the antisemitism from the ADL and all the liberal media by explicitly stating that Israel DOES NOT represent the views and will of all Jewish people. You could state that a huge portion of those protestors who were arrested were Jews against Israel doing genocide while hiding behind their Jewish identity and the Holocaust. I guess that requires a sliver of backbone and honesty which any American politician in her position is apparently fully incapable of even pretending to have.

    But barring a total and full reversal on this rhetoric after her formal nomination (approximately 0% chance), she’s going to lose the swing states like Michigan the same as Biden was losing them for the same reasons.

    It’s just pathetic how tone deaf and stupid liberals are. Kamala doesn’t have the excuse of being 8000 years old insulated in a bubble by her family. She’s just a wishy-washy political player who is surrounded at the moment by ideologically driven people giving her bad advice instead of being objective and realizing that the insane antisemitic bullshit, condemning anti-Israeli protesters as antisemites, is literally going to lose the election. Is it issue number one for racist-ass Americans across the board? No, unfortunately. But it is a big enough issue in specific states she MUST win.

    From pure electoralism standpoint, this is top tier fuck territory. It’s not just my own hatred for Israel either. Libs seem hyper focused on that aspect and it blinds them to the objective reality that Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians, and sympathizers with Palestinians are simply not going to vote for the president in key states. Is this really so hard to comprehend? They’re not “coming around” on genocide especially when the new nominee is just continuing forward with the exact say rhetoric. The easiest thing to change, how she speaks about protesters, and she couldn’t do it. So pathetic. Sad!

  • I don’t believe the lord will be taking him

    Although to be fair you didn’t specify which lord… the lord of the underworld, hell, the eternal fires of damnation is surely eagerly awaiting him

    Unfortunately I’m an atheist, or even if I do sometimes feel a bit generically spiritual, I don’t necessarily believe in hell and punishment for sins in an afterlife. Which leads me to fully advocate for punishments right now, in this life. Anyway, I shouldn’t say that… listen, Fat