• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I agree.

    It’s also infiltrated the mods because I had a DUNK TANK (you know, the place for dunking) comment deleted (comment was, verbatim “anarchists 🤮”) for doing literally the babiest of lightest of shitting on anarchists. Who honestly deserve a lot worse, but I just gave the ol puke and moved on.

    Btw, the entire premise of the post I replied to was DUNKING ON SOME ANARKIDDIES BEING OBNOXIOUS ON INSTAGRAM

    So, yes, I would like an apology and perhaps a small cookie from whoever got buttmad and deleted a comment in an entire post and entire chain of comments shitting on anarkiddies complaining about “authoritarianism”

    Best faith interpretation: scrolling too fast and thought the accusation was at the author (OP) and not me dunking on the content, which is what I was doing, again, along with like 8 other posters

    There’s a specter haunting hexbear and lemmygrad… and it’s fed up with bed times

  • Issues with this post

    1. calling people electoralists who have openly said “don’t vote for Biden”

    2. calling others electoralists while advocating electoralism (protesting a campaign implies there’s a candidate worth voting for. It just does. Not gonna dance around word games)

    3. not every “pro-Palestinian” protest, especially basically all the ones in the US, represent any actual Palestinian thoughts. I cannot imagine that right now any Palestinian groups, led by Palestinians in the US, give a shit to protest AOC or any other politicians who have in any sort of way opposed Israel’s actions

    4. AIPAC is spending record breaking amounts of money to defeat Bowman. Is Bowman “good” or “perfect”? No. But he calls Israel out for their shit (imperfectly, he’s a fucking US genocidal hellscape country congressman). Ignoring the guy who is saying “hey, this is bad!” and focusing all your attention on basically any of about 400 other representatives would be far more prudent- if one was into electoralism, which one claims to not be, yet here we are doing it… circle goes on and on, snake eating its own ass

    5. anyone who just randomly accuses people of working for feds… blacklist forever. “Hello, it’s me, the CIA. We can cancel that whole cointel thing… yeah, they just randomly accuse each other now. We don’t even need to agitate.”

    Those are some quick “facts” as I see them.

    My OPINION part is this appears to be a not-subtle AIPAC effort, or AIPAC boosted, to cause division ( ✅) and unnecessary discourse ( ✅) around the least genocidal congresspersons when anyone could target… I dunno, DWS, Torres, Gottheimer, there’s three, but the list is basically all of the democrats (snd obviously Rs) minus like 10 who are saying “yeah, this is bad, actually.” Protesting the latter group is objectively a waste of time and representing protests in the US as “the will of Palestinians” is… bad faith barely scratches the surface on what to call that. Not to mention an identity doesn’t magically mean people can’t be criticized on tactics nor shields them from being plainly wrong sometimes. I will ALWAYS call out anyone who says “X group has a right to do Y!” Because that’s just self destructive liberalized IDpol BS. Of course I respect opinions from X group, probably value them more on the surface, but ending it at “they are allowed and you should stfu” is babybrain liberalism, and I’m not sorry for saying it plainly.

    Anyway, Twitter being twitter. “Everyone is a fed except me, person engaging in not-federal posting!” Hard to take seriously in any capacity when the fundamental issue is “we don’t believe in electoralism… so we’re doing electoralism.”

  • Someone needs to write a story (you MFers do not want to entrust me with this one) similar to the Elden Ring lore.

    I don’t know how of it ties up, just spitballing here, but Elon and his pedo brother are like the grotesques and their children will also be grotesques. Grimes is the booba star lady. I forget all the elden ring lore…

    Oh yeah it definitely needs that chicken that we all glitched to level up easily (yes, you did it too, reader)

  • I may have misremembered the quote from Schlesinger to JFK. I don’t remember if he was recounting Batista’s Cuba to Kennedy or just generally for historical reasons. Also he was an official in the administration, so it isn’t fair to say this was the official description necessarily, although his letters are now published on the CIA site, JFK’s library site, etc. If you read through them it’s pretty clear JFK’s aides knew how shit it was under Batista, but it was unfair for me to call it “official” since it’s not like JFK had Schlesinger out on TV telling everyone that Batista sucked. I should’ve said “internal descriptions” within the Kennedy administration.

    But you can google Arthur Schlesinger and see what he said to JFK at the time of the bay of pigs. A lot of it (including from the CIA, etc.) is pure cartoon evil. It is funny how the CIA basically just says “communism looks really appealing! How the fuck do we explain to Americans that this is bad actually?!” in every document

  • I wonder if Density’s community considers prison labor to be slavery?

    Or “sweatshops” around the world where people get paid basically nothing to work?

    Is it ok if a feudal lord owns land and forces the peasants to pay a yearly rent in the form of sugarcane otherwise they are evicted and face starvation, homelessness, forced prostitution, etc.?

    I mean none of these meet certain definitions of slavery. They might not meet the definition Americans associate with slavery (chattel slavery). But no reasonable person can argue this is a just and good system. Even the United States’ official descriptions of Batista’s Cuba are damning. They just didn’t give a shit because he cut the US capitalists and politicians in on the exploitation. Castro ended the exploitation and told the US to go fuck themselves.

    I don’t understand the argument they want to make. Would they prefer “some Cuban descendants only hated Castro because he took their grandparents’ serfs away.” Oh, ok.

    This is like the people who try to quibble over the word Nazi vs fascist. Does it really matter that much in colloquial speech or are you desperately trying to reach for something to pretend that Batista wasn’t actually that bad, that Castro and the Cuban revolutionaries were bad or worse than Batista? Because it absolutely sounds like the latter point.

  • Alternatively,

    Material conditions are still too good in the US for the type of extremism you write about to manifest (yet). People who are getting fucked over but not starving won’t be murdering anyone anytime soon.

    However, the trend is clear, your observation is correct about where capitalists would like to take things. This will worsen conditions and push more and more people towards extremism… which is where it is up to “us” to push people leftward and point their anger where it belongs, towards capitalists/capitalism.

    As I find myself repeating a lot, things just simply aren’t bad enough yet across the board in the US to see the unrest which is required for actual change. It’s going to get worse, worse probably than any of us can imagine right now, before it starts to get any better. If you can see the inevitable future coming then you can see things like this court case being another domino in a line of them that is still fuzzy. It won’t change anything on its own, but all these small events will eventually add up to something big. We just aren’t there yet, and that’s probably good in some ways because there is effectively no leftist movement of any sort in the US. Like the fact that these cases get decided in the obviously far right way, and that we expect it, shows that the left is totally annihilated in the US. Absolutely no power currently. Just gotta work on changing that however we can. It’s very bleak.

  • (Long quote, sorry)

    the more time we spent with the ADL’s antisemitism audit, the clearer it became that the dataset itself is severely structurally limited—and may significantly *undercount *right-wing antisemitic incidents. One fundamental problem is the way that the audit’s data is separated from other categories on the H.E.A.T. Map: White nationalist incidents that don’t explicitly name Jews are tracked as White Supremacist Propaganda or White Supremacist Events but not as Antisemitic Incidents, leaving them out of the audit. There’s a strong case to be made that all such incidents should also be included in the audit, even if they do not include explicit antisemitism. (Our cursory survey of those other datasets did turn up explicitly antisemitic incidents that should have appeared in the audit based on the current methodology, like an instance of Patriot Front passing out flyers with the Nazi slogan “blood and soil” and references to antisemitic websites, as well as a handful of overtly anti-Jewish events hosted by the virulently antisemitic GDL.

    Well, well, well…

    Based on this reporting/analysis which is extremely fair and even still gives a slight pro-ADL bias (imo), the exact thing everyone on the left has been saying was happening… was indeed happening.

    The ADL, Greenblatt as their little Nazi mascot, are incredibly far right wing. In bed with Elon Musk, an out and out white supremacist evidenced daily in his own posts. They support Israel perhaps the furthest right wing country on earth currently. Even further right than the US somehow… etc.

    The ADL is going out of its way to downplay or ignore literal actual Nazis/KKK/etc. which would include basically all the people Elon retweets on any given day. Any reference to “great replacement” or any coded language around it is, imo, but I don’t feel this is actually debatable, antisemitism. Any reference by churches saying Israel must exist to bring Jesus back or that Israel is righteous or whatever I’d also lump under antisemitism and also Islamophobia. Because it is just plainly is.

    But the ADL ignores all of these actual, literal antisemitic references/beliefs that lead to actual violence or threats of violence against totally unrelated-to-Israel Jews to instead spend their time focusing on the left broadly. Specifically young anti-Zionist Jewish-led groups, all pro-Palestinian groups broadly, and other explicitly non-hateful groups that seek to end the apartheid, occupation, etc. to varying degrees. Some don’t even want to see Israel dismantled; they just want to see Israel held accountable and made to stop being allowed to do very clear and obvious crimes. Nope, that’s antisemitism according to Greenblatt. But not the local KKK rally as long as they don’t ever actually literally say the word “Jew” in their racist rants.

    A person could not better devise an organization that is more harmful to Jewish people broadly than the ADL (and all pro-Israel groups/lobbies) if you tried. Greenblatt and all the people like him, Jewish or not, are actively complicit in the rise and support of far right, antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ, anti-black, anti-indigenous. Really just anti-humanity beliefs.

    Hope they all have the worst fates

  • Greenblatt should be in prison at The Hague for his racist lies aiding in war crimes including genocide. The TikTok owners should also personally target him/his family and sue them for defamation or whatever applies (similar to the voting machine companies who sued Fox News and Pillow Man) anywhere they can for his slanders against TikTok. Not that I personally care about TikTok, but, they absolutely have a slamdunk case against the liars at the ADL and individually against Nazi-blatt

  • Im kinda “upset” that it took this long for dlc simply because I played the game a ton when it came out, dead all the endings or whatever, farmed the chicken (we all know the chicken) and I tried picking it up the other day again and uh… I dunno. I’d have to start a totally new game at this point, but also, fuck that. I feel like dlc ~6 months after release was about the sweet spot. It’s just been way too long, imo. I really enjoyed the game but it’s not a game to be played into the ground and then picked back up two years later

    … I’ll probably still get the dlc…

  • Justicetochapotraphouse@hexbear.netHelpful life tip
    3 days ago

    I’m actually glad my parents never really cared about this stuff although I do personally only rarely wear shoes indoors. Like if I’m doing work and in/out. And outdoor clothes I can only assume means like you were doing hard, sweat-causing labor or otherwise dirty labor. Not like driving to the store and coming home to change into pajamas before you sit on the couch (lol). Like yeah if I go for a jog of course I’m going to get a shower before I sit on my furniture or bed. But otherwise…

    But as a child of Yakub I am accustomed to living in my own filth

  • Justicetomemes@hexbear.netnuclear russian roulette
    3 days ago

    Must be amazing heading one of those companies

    “Hey, investors are demanding a higher return this year due to inflation. You’re gone if they aren’t satisfied.”

    “Ah shit… alright get Lindsey Graham on the phone. Tell him I need him to write In another $100B to the defense budget…”

    They literally just print money and no one in congress is ever gonna question it or say no for fear of being reported as “not supporting national security” or whatever

    Dogshit country

  • Justicetomemes@hexbear.netnuclear russian roulette
    3 days ago

    So stupid too

    Putting aside morals and such of nukes, the terrestrial ICBMs are totally unnecessary when subs already exist and are out in the oceans carrying warheads that can devastate any country on earth. Just scrap the dickwagging missiles and stick to the subs. But boomers love nothing else more than dickwagging, so, here we are.

    And again, the entire premise is stupid, just saying how they take a stupid idea and exponentially make it stupider

  • I feel like he called Bezos to ask for a good hormone doctor, whoever these billionaire men in their 50s/60s go to for T injections and everything else, and he gave him a quack as a joke.

    Or maybe the doctors are like “ok, the hormones make it possible for you workout like you’re 25 again. But you still have to do the workouts if you want to be shredded and buff.” Clearly Jeff listened to whatever the advice was while Elon went home feeling good and started eating Doritos on the couch while ignoring texts from his trainer asking where he is for their appointment… which, honestly, kinda relatable. But I look like beached (and bleached) Moby Dick without spending all the money on whatever the fuck cocktail Bezos is on.

    Elon would do better on something like Ozempic to just get super skinny. He’s clearly too lazy for the muscle building, athletic 60 year old billionaire bod.