I’ve seen two figures when it comes to China’s debt: public debt, which is really low (like 30%), and the other being much higher, (although I can’t remember where I found it, what it measured, but I remember it being like 125%). And now when I was digging around for the exact numbers I’ve found other statistics saying the public debt is upwards of 70%, and others saying 50%.

Can someone explain because I’m just really confused? Thanks

  • Soviet Snake
    62 years ago

    I mean, having debt is not something bad, it means money is being spent, any normal country needs to have certain amount of debt or otherwise you are having an affair with Neoliberal economics where you take recessive policies. Also, although extreme high levels of debt that can’t be paid is obviosly bad (this does not mean it is what is happening here), the information you give is not fo helpful. Public debt is 70% of what? 70% of total GDP? 70% of total income in a household?