I had a conversation with a very close friend. He views himself as an anarchist, yet for as long as Ive ever known him; he has always been a kind of peace loving, clever man who has accurately been critical of western actions around the globe.

However. I have been hit with a chilling revelation. Thinking I was in familiar company; we started chatting about the war in the Ukraine.

I had mentioned that it would be great to establish peace with Russia. He adadamantly disagreed. And I mean he went ALL IN on saying that Russia needs to face a most humiliating and total defeat so absolute that they can never militarily raise their head ever again.

Thinking that MAYBE he had some twisted, tactical knowledge; I was suspecting that he would make the argument that if the west was to lose and a multipolar world was to happen, then the west would resort to nuclear strikes to preserve its hegemony.

No. That wasnt the case. If that was the case, there would be some chilling and honest REAL POLITIK logic behind his reasoning. Instead. He argued against multipolarity BECAUSE a Russian victory would embolden Russia further. That there needs to be a hegemony BECAUSE the opposition to the west wants to BE the west but are capable of being much MUCH WORSE.

And I finally found the language and the words to recognize this logic. I dont think my friend is a racist man. At least not in the sense that we imagine racism. This is what Peace loving American Lesser Evilism looks like. Beyond the borders and sphere of influence of the west lies all the potential evil and deeds of the west… plus 1. No matter how depraved. No matter how evil. No matter how satanic. Beyond the west; the East is every bit what the west is, but forever just SLIGHTLY more evil in every instance. Western international lesser evilism. If the west isnt capable of waging peace, then ALL THE EAST is much much less qualified to have the opportunity to wage peace and the west KNOWS in their heart of hearts that the East will forever be ever so slightly behind on their value of humanity.

Needless to say; this revelation has darkened my mood towards any westerner. THIS… is a good man. Let that sink in.

Otherwise; I dont know what to tell you guys. He got got. I always low key thought that maybe he was a little smarter than me. A little more clever. The son of a doctor. I was the son of factory workers. My mother a seamstress in textile and my dad an electrician and eventually boiler engineer.

Maybe there’s something in that. Needless to stay, it feels less sensical in the west and it’s starting to feel much more alienating.

Sorry for the long rant. It’s just so blackpilling. That maybe this is the best we can hope for from progressive folks. This strange international lesser evilism.

  • @SaddamHussein24
    2 years ago

    Just show him that Ukraine is full of nazis and the hundreds of videos of ukrainian police humiliating children and girls by taping them to trees half naked for “stealing a chocolate bar”. If that doesnt change his mind then hes not as “nice” as you think. This telegram channel recopiles such videos. There are dozens of them every day:


    • Arsen6331 ☭
      132 years ago

      The issue with that is that this type of thinking is fundamentally ingrained in US citizens’ brains from birth. It took years for me to realize it was all lies. The immediate reaction to information contradictory to that ingrained thinking is to believe it is wrong or was somehow faked. The only reason I got out of such thinking is that something wasn’t adding up. I looked at the world, and nothing matched what I was told. Eventually, it was enough to make me think about whether I’ve been lied to the whole time, and that was the beginning of my escape from the influence of the propaganda. It’s even harder for most people because they have been taught by schools to question nothing. I am lucky to have noticed and resisted such conditioning from the beginning of middle school. or I may very well have still been stuck. It is very difficult for a person to reverse this conditioning alone. It is highly beneficial to have a friend who can counter your claims with evidence. At first, you will refute it, but eventually, it will plant a seed of doubt that will ultimately lead to liberation from the propaganda.