• @Rafael_Luisi
    312 years ago

    Nazism never was about hating jews, but hating what the goverment telled you to hate. It could be an jew goverment telling jews to hate non-jews, it could be an german goverment telling people to hate jews, it could be an american goverment telling the people to hate people from the country they are in a current war with. It doesnt matter who is hated and who is telling to hate, its about the goverment using hate as an tool to realise its own ambitions, be it “cleaning space” for the “right people”, seizing riches from innocent people with no consequences, creating “historical claims” that would be called childish and delusional by anyone in their right minds, but pass as fair and “no way out of reality claims” in an nazistical society because the goverment said so, and people believe it because they where indoctrinated to believe it.