• Nocheztli ☭
    42 years ago

    Lawmaker Jorge Romero of the opposition PAN party warned that Mexico would have been set back 50 years in its environmental efforts if the reform had passed. LMAO

    PAN is a fascist party created originally literally by nazis so of course BBC would ask him about his opinion.

    The previous energy reform put forward by the Peña Nieto administration was a huge disaster, which included the de facto privatization of oil and other resources, as well as the lay out of thousands of workers from Luz y Fuerza, a state owned enterprise which had control over the electrical distribution on the central region of the country. That not only set us back 50 years, but 70 or more. This new reform isn’t even that radical. It aims at undoing the damage done by the previous mandate from Peña. Putting back the control of mexican oil in the hands of PEMEX (one of the oldest mexican SOEs which its history is rooted in socialist tendencies of the XX century). All that talk about environmentalism is complete BS. The true green energy in Mexico only comes from a couple of nuclear plants and they are in such bad shape that radioactive fuel is constantly stolen and/or lost. The “green” energy of sources like solar panels and what not is in hands of only a handful of private enterprises and has never been used to any significant extent in spite of neoliberal lawmakers claiming day and night that the private sector will bring green energy to Mexico. Communists in Mexico, as bad as they sometimes are, are pretty much all in favor of the reform and I’ve seen plenty of communist (and even some socdem) organizations trying to rally the people in favor too. I really hope Obrador and MORENA are able to push it through. It’s been too long with our energy in hands of anglos.