Because I keep seeing posts about Lemmur being broken:

  1. Use Firefox (if this works on other browsers plz comment cause I’m not touching them).
  2. Navigate to Lemmygrad or your favorite Lemmy instance. As long as it’s in the address bar the app will be made for that domain.
  3. Open the Firefox Menu and look for the “Add to Home Screen” button depicted above.
  4. FF will create a Lemmy icon which you can then drag to the desired screen like a normal app.
  5. Browse Lemmygrad in its native HTML. ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+

Or just use Jerboa, idk, I’m not ur mom.

  • Water Bowl Slime
    72 years ago

    I’m gonna upvote every post three times and the admins can’t stop me! 😈