We started out as little cell thingies millions of years ago and now we can scroll through digitized sex acts by the millions.

The universe literally just existed…out of nowhere…NOWHERE [what a funny looking word]! Oh well, back to my 9 - 5, thanks capitalism 🤑👍🏼!

  • @IdliketothinkimsmartOP
    72 years ago

    I like the idea. Having a little dude or dudette you can Googoo gaagaa at sounds nice, but I’m too dysfunctional at times.

    • @holdengreen
      62 years ago

      When people have kids they lose some ego I understand. The center of your life is shifted towards your baby. I envy some people for just being able to experience that.

      • @IdliketothinkimsmartOP
        72 years ago

        I can definitely understand that. Also, it’s endearing in a selfish kinda way that a version of “you” will continue on.

        To some extent, communism kinda does that for me. I just remember reading about Che telling his kids that our own lives are nothing without the revolution/ masses in his farewell letter 😿 (can’t remember the wording). Puts things into perspective if a titan of a human can see things that way.

    • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
      22 years ago

      Same with the dysfunction, I’d never trust myself with such a precious person, I’m too dumb and get too angry. Not the best baby role model.