What are some left wing content creators and commentators that you enjoy watching / reading, agree with and would recommend.

  • @cfgaussian
    22 years ago

    Considering that Azov and the SBU are fulfilling exactly the role that the SS and Gestapo did for the Third Reich, and that they behave in the exact same way, up to and including Azov providing ideological indoctrination to the regular soldiers, being integrated into virtually every unit, and acting as “blocking detachments” that threaten to shoot anyone thinking of retreating or surrendering, i think you would have to be blind not to see the parallels.

    Those who are saying that the presence of Azov and other Nazi groups in the Ukrainian armed forces, by some estimates making up at least one in every ten soldiers, does not taint the entire military are essentially propagating the modern version of the “clean Wehrmacht” myth. And this is something that Three Arrows has indeed made some pretty excellent videos about. But i still suspect that his anti-Russia bias will blind him to this fact.