• Catradora-Stalinism☭M
    172 years ago

    France used to be the home of the communist revolution, now its a fucking shithole

    • @hkto
      22 years ago

      France has never had a communist revolution: the revolution of 1789 amounted to the bourgeoisie overthrowing the feudal order.

      Sorry to be a killjoy. There’s good reading to be had in this by Eric Hobsbawm if memory serves.

        • @hkto
          22 years ago

          I’m not sure it counts. It was certainly a good case study for Marx, but fundamentallyiim going to say it doesn’t count because it only lasted for a month or two. Maybe that’s too arbitrary.

          • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
            12 years ago

            hmmm, I guess thats true. I think it was close enough to being a socialist state, if it wasn’t a factionalized mess.