I am done working for big tech…I want to use my technical skills for good. So far, I think will apply to the ACLU. Where else?

  • @pinkeston
    12 years ago

    No, if OP chooses to work for Meta over LinkedIn, for example, they are a bad person

    • @chocoraisinboi
      92 years ago

      I am afraid to tell you Linkedin is Microsoft ad they take most of the govt, defense contracts

      • @pinkeston
        2 years ago

        Yea but that’s still better than Meta. There’s still a difference that’s being made with your choices. Individual actions 100% do matter. I just made an example between 2 popular social media companies. Replace LinkedIn with Pinterest or Snap if you think Microsoft is as bad as Meta

        • @chocoraisinboi
          32 years ago

          I mean I agree with the broader sentiment yeah :)

          I just think companies consolidated with the FAANG/MANGA are pretty bad themselves. I do find it hard to compare Meta and MS in terms of harm, as they are both incredibly harmful