What do you think about the so-called “red bourgeoisie”? Which mechanisms can a socialist/communist society use to prevent the “new class” from usurping power?

  • @overseerOP
    62 years ago

    You need to be more specific. What do you have in mind? Trotsky’s views were formed at a time he had much less experiences with the real world issues of communism than we have today. The problem proved to be tough and difficult to solve. The proletariat doesn’t seem to be capable of independently self-organizing quite to the degree the initial theories assumed. I believe the Left requires this subject to be discussed in light of more recent experiences.

    • @Bronstein_Tardigrade
      22 years ago

      Good place to start is “In Defense of Marxism”, a how-to on building revolutionary socialist leadership.

      “Trotsky’s views were formed at a time he had much less experience…”, isn’t that true of most people?