There seems to be more and more of these reactionary socialists popping up. They somehow assume the capitalists will just allow them to be democratically elected and take their wealth from them. How can they be this naive, are they controlled opposition?

It seems they’re too scared to move further left because they still believe all the scary things about ML states, but when pressed on how they would defend their new socialist state from capitalists/imperialists, they hand wave it away with vague ideas of cooperation.

What is the best way to deal with them, and how many here were DemSocs before becoming MLs? If so, what convinced you?

  • zanghor123
    2 years ago

    When I learned about Allende, I thought that DemSoc actually had a viable path…for about 5 seconds until I learned about Pinochet and how democratic socialism will be dismantled undemocratically and without concern for optics. When I learned THAT, I became a baby ML and now that’s basically where I am