So, historical materialism time: certain other banned subreddits with lemmy forks had issues early on rooting out racists and transphobes. There was a lot of pushback from the aggressively white/masc subset community for what they considered overreactions to microaggressions. But when push came to shove, they would often show their whole ass and post the most vitriolic and honestly boomer chud shit to grace the modlogs.

Please keep your minority comrades in mind when posting and moderating your communities. We are service workers, factory workers, and low-level clerks in this together with everyone else, and we would like to believe that socialists care about us too. This is not to say I doubt this community at all, but just wanted to convey lessons from the past.

Trans issues, pronouns, and race issues also make a great litmus tests for weeding out Maupin-type “nationalists” who are mainly self interested.

Hoping to see great things from this community, and nice to meet you all! (っ_)っ

  • @KingSpartan15
    -72 years ago

    I think you are being rather ignorant regarding the time and place. What is the “left” today? The left is AOC, Bernie Sanders, Bowman.

    I’m that regard, none of us are leftists.

    Caleb was speaking to a Russian audience. I find it very arrogant to simply view this clip and say “he’s not a leftist by his own admission”.

    Relative to what is referred to as the “left” today, I would hope to fucking God you’d say you’re not a leftist, because if you did then you’d be a capitalist.

    Again, understand the audience he was speaking to before making such an idealistic, abstract analysis regarding what he said.