Only after the fall of the Soviet Union that we have stupid skinheads and Neonazi. Remember that, Communism help unite and bring together humanity. My father agree that Soviet was one of the greatest time ever. He have to witness it fall as a Vietnamese studying in Russia at that time. That is why I love Communism, we treat each other like brothers and sisters.

  • @specialistdevicet34OP
    132 years ago

    I agree, racism was taught. You hate someone because they wrong you in someway. If we were taught not to hate, then shit like this would never happen.

    • @Rafael_Luisi
      142 years ago

      Sometimes is not even because they wronged you, but because you THINK they wronged you, even if you dont have any proff that they did something, you still think they did. Rascism is generally based on ficcticious gruges that where planted on the mind of people, basically an artificially builded hate.