• Justice
    1 year ago

    This is unironically how the US would become completely isolated from the world. That doesn’t mean a dipshit won’t try it (look at… the entire history of the US), but if it was attempted (don’t believe it can be successful but whatever) the EU and all the allies of convenience/forced allies might not say a whole lot, but they’re absolutely never going to take loans from the US or loan money or basically deal with the US at all.

    This reason this basically won’t happen, and if/when it does, is because the entire made up economy of the real world is built on this premise of the rich get richer. The capitalist class is above everyone else. Nations are irrelevant and only used to divide and rile up hogs and libs using racism and other stupidity. It all continues along precisely because no one is stupid enough to fuck with the unfuckable thing.

    One point I’ll lightly concede with the “no one is stupid enough (yet)” is the recent debt ceiling shit. I expected to see and hear vocal condemnation from the capital class via the media basically saying to murder the super-hogs behind that whole thing since undermining the US ability to pay debts it owes fundamentally strikes at the whole bullshit “economy” the capitalists have set up. Maybe they knew it wasn’t worth fearing enough to go that hard yet, I dunno, but it was interesting to see something like that not get shut the fuck down immediately.