• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • “Natural consequences” is the buzzword. Make sure the consequences fit the action. You squirted most the toothpaste into the aink? You don’t get access to toothpaste, and mom/dad have to do your toothbrush.

    This works with my kid because they value their autonomy very highly. Your child may value things differently.

    Something to keep in mind: the goal isn’t to be a high-discipline parent, it’s to be a consistent parent. Express expectations and consequences, then hold to them. This helps children feel secure, and dramatically reduces testing behaviors (not to zero but much lower).

  • I’m about to launch into some more serious gameplaying as I’m taking my last final of the semester in about two hours.

    I’ve been playing Balatro and Baldurs Gate 3 when I can. BG3 is not going to be the addiction for me that it has been for so many others, I can tell. I don’t want to try with a whole bunch of characters because I’ve already made like six characters in tabletop DnD. Balatro is the shit, though.

    I’m going to download Slay the Princess once I’m back home… and maybe Dwarf Fortress if I decide I’m not wanting much of a social life this summer. It’s that or redownload Disgaea 2 to try and beat.

    I love colony management sims, 4x, and roguelikes.

  • Modern news tv. It gives the masses visions of the world that have little to do with reality, it goes on interminably, and people feel more in tune with “reality” after consumption.

    It’s helpful to be aware of the wider world, much like it’s helpful to realize the chemical nature of consciousness. If you take it too seriously, you start believing in Trump’s pee tape/terrorist immigrant caravans, in the same way some people believe in mechanical elves or whatever.

  • Most bottled water comes from a municipal water system somewhere, i.e., is tap water.

    Some water supplies have issues with sulfur or algae, so that can be unpleasant if your sense of smell is particularly sensitive. My sense of smell is pretty weak so I drink the tap water most places, while my spouse had an RO system installed in our house due to their sensitivity.

  • FarvanatoMemes@lemmy.mlFacts
    3 months ago

    Supplements suck that way, sorry. I’ve found a couple brands that work for me (Nature’s Way, Horbäach), but I’m no supplement expert. I’d try to find a mid-price option that didn’t seem too sketchy.

    As for nootropic stacks and whatnot: never heard of them, although they seem interesting. I personally take 2g of tyrosine along with vitamin D and a vitamin B complex (plus a couple medical rx). I would start at 500mg-1g, and add more after a week if you felt you needed to. I have taken tyrosine with omega 3s but never regularly; I didn’t notice an interaction at the time.

  • FarvanatoMemes@lemmy.mlFacts
    3 months ago

    Tyrosine. It’s a dopamine precursor. By itself, it mildly increases focus just enough to get non-preferred tasks started. It also makes completing tasks much more rewarding, which can start a positive feedback loop that leaves your space much more livable/less depressing.