(This is a rewrittal of my earlier post to make it shorter and more to the point, written specifically for people who want to start being fit). We want to get more fit comrades for the revolution and health benefits it brings, so please share with all your friends :)

I’ve never been into sports. Who else can relate? I used to dread going to gym class in school because I know my heart wouldn’t follow and I would feel sore for days afterwards. When someone brought out the football at a barbecue, I would politely decline. I thought I didn’t like sports. I started crossfit three months ago and I’ve been going three times a week. Two weeks ago, I deadlifted 100kg two reps in a row. It works, I’ve seen progress I never thought I was even capable of. This is why I’m recommending crossfit for people in the same situation.

So what are the benefits of crossfit?

1- They take care of the programme and coaching for you. Don’t worry about finding a programme and adjusting it, coaches are here to do this for you. They’ll also coach you on the exercises and proper form, which will set you up to work out by yourself down the line if you want (and reduce injuries).

2- It’s fun, which makes it easier to stay. The workout is different every day and some gyms offer more than just wods, mine for example has powerlifting classes. They also sometimes find obscure or less-famous exercises and it’s fun discovering new stuff. Since the classes are given in groups, you’ll get to know everyone – it’s not as lonely as working out alone is.

3- Crossfit is an all-around workout that adapts to you. They’re compound movements, which use several muscle groups. If you can’t do any exercise (pullups for example), your coach will adapt to something you can do. Barbells are adjusted too and you can take an empty, lighter weight and go up as you improve.

4- Since you register for classes, you have no excuses to sleep in, or feel too sore (and if you have injuries tell your coach and they’ll adapt your workout). Just register for a class you’ll be able to attend.

Everything else that seemed difficult before getting fit is now falling into place naturally. Proper diet, confidence, giving it my best during this one hour… it all comes together with time, just let it happen. If you’re starting out, take the path of least resistance: do crossfit, just show up to your classes, and everything will work out for you. And since I’m fitter, I know I’m capable of holding my weight with friends and comrades. I have become dependable in another way (moving out, hiking, not yet taking down a fascist lol)

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    4 years ago

    Yeah, honestly, if I want to build muscle, I’ll definitely exercise more, but as it stands, I just started my diet and it’s mostly just less sugar, less eating in general, and more walking (and sometimes jogging) along with some weights.

    But really, half-portions have already worked wonders (even when I’m very early in my diet) so I think I’ll be fine. Then when I’m at the requisite weight level that I’m supposed to be at, I’ll stop and maybe burn anything off with exercise if I have to. Maybe one day afterwards, I’ll start doing exercise to build muscle. So yeah, pretty confident, but we’ll see how it goes.