• Raton_en_Criss
    114 years ago

    he’s going to make the g*mers go pass hard drugs to the poor African American population of the US

    • @diamatchstick
      34 years ago

      Smh cheap ass game design they re-used the same fkn level for the ‘distribute drugs to black communities’ level and the ‘execute local crack dealers’ level

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    44 years ago

    I legit think that The Verge and Polygon are actually good gaming outlets even though most gamers seem to hate them.

    I mean, good as far as gaming news goes…

  • @MechaComrade
    24 years ago

    That’s a bit unfair to gamers. It’s like taking a shit on readers because of the existence of “Mein Kampf”.

    • Raton_en_Criss
      114 years ago

      I mean, the g*mers culture is really toxic, its racist and its sexist. I don’t want to side with them.

      • @MechaComrade
        4 years ago

        There are more than one “gamer” culture. Not all “gamers” are racist FPS players and not all racist FPS players either agree or understand the message carried by their games for all that matter. I think that we should denounce and explain the worst aspects of gaming culture and not denounce gaming as a whole as something bad with no value. Otherwise this is counter-productive given the cultural importance video games have took.

    • Muad'DibberOPA
      54 years ago

      No, its very fair. mein kampf is what most gamers would consider their favorite strategy guide. Gamers are reactionary trash.

      • @MechaComrade
        14 years ago

        And what do you base yourself to say that? You seem very prejudiced toward the hobby of video games.

    • @cardamomo
      44 years ago

      Not gonna lie, I’m down with shitting on readers for being insufferable elitists who only consume European and USAmerican books. From white authors, of course.