I just had a though that its generally possible to call any news outlet a propaganda machine, depending on the ideology a person was grown up with.

Am I wrong? Why?

  • qwename
    1 year ago

    Before talking about news and propaganda, we need to distinguish between reality and opinion.

    Everything we as humans know can be classified under opinion, as we can only observe reality through our senses and form our conclusions based on that. We label different opinions with terms such as truth/fact/law/theory/hypothesis/lie/propaganda/news, and add modifiers such as objective/subjective/biased. The same opinion can have different labels depending on the person judging it. How a person judges an opinion depends on the collective set of opinions the person has received up to that point in time.

    As for reality, it is not affected by any opinion, period.

    Now that we’ve established the above, we know that news outlets are just organizations which share opinion according to some form of guidelines, this usually means requiring the opinion to be true to most people.

    To go further than just news outlets, anything or anyone that shares information/opinion can be called a propaganda machine by someone who opposes the ideology they are based on. An ideology is just a set of opinions considered to be true.