I just had a though that its generally possible to call any news outlet a propaganda machine, depending on the ideology a person was grown up with.

Am I wrong? Why?

  • sicaniv
    1 year ago

    No news is neutral. It can’t be. An incident converted into news by someone is always gonna get affected by that someone’s point of view of events. Let me give you an analogy…

    A news article by a tiger about another tiger hunting a deer will have a stark difference from the one written by a deer because both have very different point of view of the same event.

    It will be attributed to a deer’s mental bankruptcy if he starts believing in tiger’s version of events instead of one of his own’s.

    So every news outlet there can be used to manipulate public opinion about things happening around them or in other parts of world by not telling the whole story or the real story. So it comes down to knowing who own/control/protect/fund that very news outlet you are going to get/consume your news from.