I just had a though that its generally possible to call any news outlet a propaganda machine, depending on the ideology a person was grown up with.

Am I wrong? Why?

  • ImOnADiet
    1 year ago

    Yeah I do agree. As JT from second thought says, we all have biases as human beings, and it’s impossible to escape that. In fact, I think that western news outlets try and hide their biases and portray themselves as the arbiters of truth is actually more biased than admitting where your biases stand.

    This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t try and be objective as possible, but what we view as objective will change based off of our biases. For instance, main stream news outlets will almost always report what police say over witnesses, and give them more weight, when police have not shown themselves to be any more trustworthy than the general public (and I would argue have shown themselves to be far less truthful!). This is in part because of (western) media’s bias for the liberal status quo, and also their incentive to have good relationships with the police, so that they get the juicy stories first over their competitors