[Scene: A vibrant, cartoonish cityscape with Lefty Larry, an animated ultraleftist, passionately addressing a crowd of curious onlookers.]

Lefty Larry: (Enthusiastically) Greetings, fellow comrades! Today, I’m here to expose the covert plot of revisionism that looms over our beloved China. Brace yourselves for a journey into the world of ultraleftist enlightenment!

[The crowd leans in with excitement as Lefty Larry waves a red flag.]

Lefty Larry: (Pointing dramatically) Behold, the People’s Republic of China, where once Mao’s revolutionary spirit ignited a spark of true communism. But alas, comrades, those days are long gone, and China has succumbed to the treacherous clutches of revisionism!

[An animated graphic appears, depicting a cartoonish representation of Mao Zedong being overshadowed by a larger, imposing figure.]

Lefty Larry: (Indignant) Mao Zedong, our revered leader, fought against capitalist roaders and imperialist influence. He championed the principles of class struggle and true socialism. But now, his noble legacy is being trampled upon by the revisionist regime!

[Cut to a cartoon image of Xi Jinping, China’s president, depicted as a puppet with strings attached.]

Lefty Larry: (Angrily) Xi Jinping and his cohorts have abandoned the proletarian path, succumbing to the whims of the bourgeoisie. They’ve embraced state capitalism, perpetuating a twisted hybrid system that favors cronyism and profit over the welfare of the masses!

[As Lefty Larry paces, a giant billboard appears, displaying Chinese industries intertwined with multinational corporations.]

Lefty Larry: (Pointing at the billboard) Look at this shameless collaboration! China’s revisionist rulers have welcomed exploitative multinational corporations into their bed, betraying the very essence of socialism. They’ve abandoned the dream of a classless society for the sake of economic growth and global influence!

[A cartoonish depiction of social inequality emerges, with a tiny group of wealthy individuals towering over a mass of struggling workers.]

Lefty Larry: (Passionately) As we speak, a colossal wealth gap engulfs China. The revisionist regime has allowed the rise of a new bourgeois class, while the workers are left to suffer. This is a betrayal of the principles that Mao fought for!

[A series of animated figures, representing dissidents and activists, appear behind Lefty Larry.]

Lefty Larry: (Empathetically) Let us not forget the brave souls who dare to question the regime’s actions, fighting for true proletarian liberation. They face persecution, censorship, and oppression! These courageous individuals embody the spirit of Mao’s revolution, fighting against the revisionist status quo.

[The crowd becomes more animated, showing signs of agreement and understanding.]

Lefty Larry: (Determined) Comrades, we must not fall for the revisionist mirage! We must stand firm and fight for the true ideals of communism. We must support the oppressed and advocate for a return to Mao’s revolutionary principles!

[The crowd cheers and waves their fists in solidarity.]

Lefty Larry: (Shouting triumphantly) Together, we can expose the revisionist masquerade in China! Let our voices ring out and reclaim the spirit of true communism! The struggle continues, comrades!

[The crowd erupts in applause and chants of solidarity as Lefty Larry waves his red flag victoriously.]

[Scene fades out with a vibrant, animated backdrop of a world map, symbolizing the ongoing fight against revisionism.]

Disclaimer: The above cartoonish rant is a fictional creation and does not represent the views or opinions of any specific individuals or

groups. It is intended purely for entertainment purposes.

  • commiespammerOP
    1 year ago

    Here’s another one:

    Once upon a time in the peaceful town of Wisconsin, a remarkable individual named William, but known locally as “Wisconscom,” led a double life. By day, he worked as a mild-mannered librarian, quietly organizing books and assisting patrons. But little did anyone know that Wisconscom possessed an extraordinary secret power: the ability to control and manipulate thermonuclear energy.

    You see, Wisconscom was a staunch believer in the teachings of Enver Hoxha, the former leader of Albania, and an advocate of pure, unadulterated communism. He firmly believed that revisionism was a cancer eating away at the true principles of Marxism-Leninism, and he was determined to eradicate it.

    One fateful evening, as Wisconscom studied Hoxha’s writings in his modest home, a bolt of lightning struck a nearby power plant, infusing him with an incredible surge of thermonuclear energy. Wisconscom felt the immense power coursing through his veins and realized that his time to fight revisionism had come.

    Adorned in a red cape and a hat emblazoned with the hammer and sickle, Wisconscom set out on his mission to cleanse the world of revisionist influences. With a mighty leap, he soared across the sky, leaving trails of thermonuclear energy in his wake.

    His first stop was a political gathering where revisionist ideas were being propagated. With a fierce cry of “Down with revisionism!” Wisconscom unleashed a devastating blast of thermonuclear power, reducing the venue to ashes. Startled revisionists scattered in fear, their revisionist propaganda reduced to mere fragments.

    Word of the thermonuclear Hoxhaist quickly spread, and people started questioning their allegiance to revisionist doctrines. Some began to reevaluate their understanding of socialism and communism, inspired by the unwavering conviction and raw power of Wisconscom.

    But as with any tale of power, there were those who sought to exploit it for their own gain. A group of unscrupulous politicians, motivated by personal interests, saw Wisconscom’s powers as a means to their own ends. They approached him, tempting him with promises of influence and authority, hoping to bend his powers to their revisionist agenda.

    However, Wisconscom, true to his principles, recognized their deceitful intentions. With a resounding “No compromise!” he unleashed his thermonuclear fury upon them, rendering their revisionist ambitions into ashes.

    Wisconscom’s valiant crusade continued, as he journeyed from town to town, challenging revisionist ideas and inspiring the masses. His thermonuclear powers became a symbol of resistance against the distortions of true socialism.

    In time, Wisconscom’s message spread far and wide, igniting a revolutionary spirit within the hearts of many. People began to reclaim the true essence of communism, free from revisionist compromises.

    And so, the tale of Wisconscom, the thermonuclear Hoxhaist from Wisconsin, became legend. His fiery determination to combat revisionism served as a reminder to all that the principles of true socialism must be preserved, even in the face of overwhelming challenges.