• sinovictorchan
    1 year ago

    You mean that China is doing better for foreign aids to developing countries than Western European diapora countries that provide “free” foreign aids that bankrupt former European colonies with high debt from high-interest loans and then use the debt as an excuse to establish puppet totalitarian governments that cause more regression than progression? I can understand how the open distribution of intellectual property rights is productive due to the success of non-monetary incentive models for artificially scare goods like Linux operating system and WordPress application and the historic misuse of intellectual property right law in America to allow a media producer to steal all the media work from anyone who viewed the work of that media producer. The Western European diaspora use heavy government intervention to enforce the intellectual property rights to maintain their old outdated economic system even when it led to their big tech monopoly problem and their contradiction to their principle of minimal government intervention in the economy. The Liberals could justify intellectual property rights despite the loophole and misapplication for intellectual thief with their claim that their old economic system for the digital economy is the only economic system that work, but it cannot explain the success of Linux OS, WordPress application, popularity of MineCraft video game where players share innovations, or the ability of market players to gain benefit from software development without intellectual property rights.