
Traditionally I should be playing 7554

  • BloodToSpillToday!OP
    81 year ago

    ‘sensational the five continents over, stunning the whole world’

    The above picture is said to be staged, that is, at the time of De Castries’ final surrender there was no flag hoisting,

    eh, cool nonetheless.

    Valiant last stand from the F***** but alas couldn’t beat artillery.

    There was still fighting afterwards (see landing in Tuy Hòa, ambush on Mangyang Pass, occupation below the 17th parallel until 1956) but Dienbienphu had finally forced them to sit at Geneva.

    Hanoi was returned on the 10th of October after a provisional occupation over the summer.

    Also inspired multiple other struggles, such as the Algerian war.

    Victory in Dienbien

    Dienbienphu has since turned into a city, wish I could visit the place one day.

  • @Magos_Galactose
    61 year ago

    I love one part of the battle, in which French fortified their position inside the valley in a way that made indirect fire from artillery difficult, which the Vietnamese responded by just employ direct fire from the artillery instead, since French position were placed in such lower ground such that direct fire from well-concealment artillery become very easy and relatively impervious to counter-artillery fire. It work so well that the French artillery commander commit self-unalive with a grenade.