Many Youth and Students in DPRK Volunteer to Join or Rejoin KPA

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) – The whole DPRK is full of the will to annihilate the scum of the ROK who violated its inviolable sovereignty and security.

Millions of young people have turned out in the nationwide struggle to wipe out the ROK scum who committed a serious provocation of violating the sovereignty of the DPRK through a drone infiltration into its capital city to push the tense situation to the brink of war, which precipitates their self-destruction, and are now making impudent remarks like a guilty party filing the suit first.

If a war breaks out, the ROK will be wiped off the map. As it wants a war, we are willing to put an end to its existence.

The passionate young people are determined to turn out in a sacred war of destroying the enemy with the arms of the revolution. Their great enthusiasm for joining the army is being displayed in all the places of the country, including worksites where a campaign for increased production is underway, construction sites, farms having a bumper harvest, and educational institutions.

According to data available, more than 1.4 million youth league officials and youth and students across the country volunteered to join or rejoin the Korean People’s Army on October 14 and 15.

The young people’s zeal for joining the army is an eruption of the hatred and retaliatory spirit of the younger generation who are determined to punish the scum who committed a hideous crime to ignite a war at any cost, and end the horrible evil relationship.

Youth and students across the country signed the petitions for joining or rejoining the army out of the pledge to find out the heinous confrontation maniacs and criminals to the last one and cut off their windpipes.

The commanding officers and members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade, the young people of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex, the Taean Heavy Machine Complex, the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill and many other working youth across the country volunteered to join the army with the spirit to resolutely wipe out the sworn enemy seeking to bring down their socialist system that represent their life and soul, and their dignified life and happiness.

At the universities across the country, including Kim Il Sung University, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Phyongbuk University of Technology and Sariwon Kye Ung Sang University of Agriculture, many students, including discharged officers and men, vowed to make the lunatics experience the real war and showers of fire.

The number of the angry revengers of the rising generation determined to plunge the heinous enemy into an abyss of final ruin, those who volunteered to join or rejoin the KPA, is on the increase with the passage of time. -0- (Juche113.10.16.)

  • KurtVonnegut [comrade/them]
    10 hours ago

    Let’s go through the options for a China-USA proxy war:

    -Indian-Chinese border: geographically impossible, politically way too dangerous

    -Xinjiang region: tried it already lol, local Muslim population cannot be swayed to USA’s side

    -Taiwan: this is the one the military-industrial complex really wants, it would be very cool for everyone operating killer drones (less cool for the hundreds of thousands of innocent people who would die). Pros: lots of $$$ for contractors. Cons: crosses a big red line vs. China. Not happening.

    -Korea: this is the most likely place for something to pop off, instigated by the USA. South Korea is completely corrupt and tied to the USA, North Korea is very closely tied to China. US military is 100% willing to “fight to the last South Korean,” like in Ukraine. Pros: Attacking China without directly attacking China. Cons: calling the North Korean nuclear bluff, possibility that millions in South Korea are vaporized or inflicted with nuclear induced burns and cancers. Really depends if state department thinks North Korea is a paper target or not. Attacking a nuclear power is insane, but there’s not that many places left for the USA to go… IMHO a 1% chance of something popping off there in the next 10 years, higher than Taiwan (0% chance).

    • SadArtemis [she/her]
      2 hours ago

      IMO for both Taiwan and Korea, the question becomes whether the US is going to bite the bullet and actually go for open conflict with China (in both cases). When you look at what the US does to North Korea- or China- or honestly even Russia and the historical Soviet Union, etc… it really is a game of it constantly swinging its fist full force at other countries’ faces, only to metaphorically pull back at the last second.

      Western media and politicians, and even military officials are not exactly hiding their plans/considerations- they expect a war with China, sooner (5~ years max) than later, because the longer the wait the further China and the rest of humanity develops (ie. the harder it will be to slaughter and enslave the entire planet and destroy China and the BRICS nations again, as the unspoken but obvious reasoning).

      Whatever happens won’t be an accident- it won’t be a “chance,” basically- if it happens it will have been nigh inevitable, if it is avoided it will be through masterful statecraft/containment on China and the rest of humanity’s part upon the US to prevent the west from lighting the fuse. And it will not so much be due to the west “calling North Korea/China’s bluff,” or even giving two shits about what the comprador regimes of the RoC and South Korea have to say, much less the people- it will be a matter of the US brunt forcing the issue with full knowledge of what will come about (even up to possible MAD- not like they overly care about their own citizens, though of course they will try to keep the bulk of the destruction contained in Asia). Like with Ukraine, if the South Koreans or RoC governments get cold feet, the US will push further (and then it’ll be a matter if they succeed in that regard). If the KMT is in the way (due to not being suicidal), the DPP will be brought in their place. If the DPP is in the way, some other group of maniacs will be brought in, and so on. The same goes for South Korea, the Philippines, and Japan- they all might try to wriggle free of the control but their chances are pretty bleak, and their institutions are heavily compromised from the ground up.

      Obviously as a TL,DR I think it’s already more than in the works and with full bipartisan support (the only pesky issues getting in the way are things like their “project Ukraine” being a disaster, or the Muslims getting “uppity” rather than peacefully allowing the blood-crazed Anglo-franchise of Isntreal to continue genocide as usual). It’s more likely to happen than not (unless things continue throwing major wrenches in the plan- which is likely) and everyone knows- the world knows, western citizenry knows, etc, etc… that as the opportunity to push the “terrorism/WW3” button closes in on the US, they (the neocon uniparty) will push it, unprovoked, rather than accept equality and peace. The only question is if that window of opportunity can be closed before they do (through any variety of reasons- from civil war/a coup by the non-suicidal elements of the US, things simply catching up with the US faster than they can prepare, etc)

      • KurtVonnegut [comrade/them]
        14 minutes ago

        they expect a war with China, sooner (5~ years max) than later, because the longer the wait the further China and the rest of humanity develops (ie. the harder it will be to slaughter and enslave the entire planet and destroy China and the BRICS nations again

        See, this is my main point of disagreement. In my experience, the majority of American leaders truly do believe their own bullshit. A lot of the ghouls in power in America really think “China will collapse any day now because Communism no food, Communism no house, Communism no money!” The reasons the US military says they need to go to war with China in 5 years is not, in my opinion, because they think it’s necessary, but because they think it’s a great marketing slogan. “WWIII is coming in 5 years, we need to increase military spending now!” It’s all about money. And if war with China actually does break out, the USA economy will instantly collapse due to supply shocks. There definitely are a few neo-cons who do want to go to war with China, but personally I would estimate those hawks are outnumbered by fake-hawks by about 3-to-1.

        In terms of the presidential candidates, Trump actually kind of likes Xi, Waltz has said China doesn’t have to be our enemy, and Vance is so fully bought by Silicon Valley that his billionaire owners would never let him start WWIII. I think Kamala is basically bought out by similar corporate interests to Vance - if Kamala goes to war with China she does not get any more donations from Apple (whose phones are made in China) etc. So that’s a big reason why I think the pro-China-war faction will not get what they want. They’ll ask the president to send 1,000 drones to Pyongyang to take out kim-drip-too-hard and the president and his or her neoliberal advisers will just look at them like jesse-wtf

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      6 hours ago

      Attacking a nuclear power is insane, but there’s not that many places left for the USA to go

      I don’t think the US would give a single fuck if DPRK nuked ROK, and they almost certainly wouldn’t do that unless existential I think

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      6 hours ago

      -Taiwan: this is the one the military-industrial complex really wants, it would be very cool for everyone operating killer drones (less cool for the hundreds of thousands of innocent people who would die). Pros: lots of $$$ for contractors. Cons: crosses a big red line vs. China. Not happening.

      It’s not happening because no one who matters in Taiwan wants it to happen. Taiwanese capitalists want to continue dealing business with the Mainland. The military is not rushing to die so that the DPP leadership can take a one-way flight to Tokyo and DC.

      • SadArtemis [she/her]
        2 hours ago

        What the Taiwan Chinese want doesn’t matter, just like what the Ukranians, South Koreans, Filipinos, Japanese, Armenians, or Georgians (well the Georgians seem to be having success in resistance at least) want doesn’t matter. The question is whether or not their state structure can resist US usurpation (or whether it, or alternatively its people through overthrowing it, can break free of its control).

        The Ukrainians wanted peace and neutrality; the US overthrew that government (Yanukovich) and installed a bunch of Nazis instead. The Ukranians once again voted in a candidate ostensibly seeking “peace” (Zelensky)- while I won’t claim to know how genuine his intentions originally were (I do think there was some honest intent- I think I’ve seen videos out there somewhere of, well before the war, him being disrespected to his face by those neo-Nazi, possibly Azov militants despite being elected head of state) obviously that went out the window. Then the Russians invaded/began their SMO to force peace- and a peace deal was on the table soon after, with those (Ukranians) who had been behind its workings now coming out and exposing how positive it would have been and how happy they were at the time- and then fucking Boris Johnson flew to Istanbul and put an end to that, as well. And now even negotiating is illegal, elections have been suspended, political oppression (which was always rampant) is only getting worse… you get the gist.

        It doesn’t matter what the Taiwan Chinese or anyone else the US wants to Ukrainize wants- what matters is if they can and will act to defend their interests from Ukrainization, or if the US will succeed in their plans of using said countries as metaphorical suicide bombers for the empire.

    • Aradina [She/They]
      9 hours ago


      Both Australian parties also have specifically said that they’re not going to war for Taiwan, so not having that regional support also puts another strike against it. War in Taiwan would be an absolute last resort.

      • The_Jewish_Cuban [he/him]
        8 hours ago

        I feel like that may not be as strong of an indicator as one would initially presume. The US has couped Australia before and I’d imagine they still have a few tricks to brow beat them into listening.