I forgot about the Germans capability for froth somehow
It always annoys me how bent out of shape people get over pronunciation of city and place names in other languages. Some languages have different sounds and thus things are said differently.
The Chinese word for Australia is “Audaliya” and even the frothist of frothers don’t go complaining about it (I hope)
Fuck off albo. Union busting, genocide supporting, annoying to listen to shithead
Depends on if they give me a spaceship
“My online domme” doesn’t this imply she also has an offline domme?
24/7 never ending Australian Idol season, he’s stuck in the live audience and the exits are locked.
That’s just wrong! He should get eight hours of sleep a night and one hour exercise a day to prolong the amount of days of 24/7 Australian Idol he suffers.
I have come to hate Albo so much. I used to almost tolerate him since he probably made Morrison cry and had some cool promises. The way he talks just fucking infuriates me so much. He’s as bad as Scotty ever was, just less transparent.
I’m hoping no one bothers to nuke Australia much, mostly.
That’s all I got, let’s On the Beach this shit. “This is how the world ends. Not with a bang, but with several bangs and a fart noise”
Ai girlfriend bot that exploits human loneliness for data gathering and money
🎵 I’m in love with a shooting star 🎶
🎶 But she moves so fast, when she falls, then I’ll be waitin’ 🎵
A terribly limp one
Solidarity with the Free Jaffa Nation
I think if this happened to me I would probably destroy everything I own and flee into the woods
If someone refuses to stop trying to convert you, there’s not much that you can really do except refuse to interact with them if they continue. That’s the only power you really have in this situation. If they value you as a friend too, they’ll stop and you can continue interacting and being friends.
Bump amber whataboutism volcel police
You aren’t a loser, comrade.
I have never eaten a jaffa cake but will say biscuit to annoy the Americans who call something totally unrelated “biscuits”
That is clearly a scone of some kind.