KurtVonnegut [comrade/them]

  • 29 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2021


  • Here’s a good one:

    Siento que Reddit es una de las peores maneras de experimentar la realidad latinoamericana. La GRAN mayoría de gente acá tienen entre 15 y 20 años, no han ido a la universidad, son mantenidos por sus papas y son extremadamente conservadores. Cada opinión que tienen siempre encuentra un echo chamber terrible. La gente en r/peru estaba celebrando cuando mataron a un centenar de peruanos en las protestas por el nuevo gobierno y la gente en r/argentina genuinamente piensa que Miles es el más querido e intelectual presidente de la era republicana. Estos subs son genuinamente extraños si los comparamos con el resto del mundo.


    I feel like Reddit is one of the worst ways to experience Latin American reality. The VAST majority of people here are between 15 and 20 years old, have not gone to university, are supported by their parents and are extremely conservative. Every opinion they have always finds a terrible echo chamber. People on r/peru were celebrating when a hundred Peruvians were killed in protests over the new government and people on r/argentina genuinely think that Miles is the most beloved and intellectual president of the Republican era. These subs are genuinely strange compared to the rest of the world.
