No judgement here. Obviously we live in different places where alcohol is regarded differently. Vote for which comment you associate with most.

  • mrshll1001
    1 year ago

    Simple answer: no.

    Complex answer: sometimes-very-very-very-occasionally based on a complex set of input like is it a special event, am I among friends, how’s my physical training otherwise going, am I bloated, what’s my diet like this week/month/quarter, am I off of work, am I over-socialised, what do I want to get done tomorrow, etc.

    Basically, it’s easier to say “no” because I will go two years without a single drink because broadly I don’t want to drink alcohol anymore because it gets in the way of what I want to do, is expensive, and makes me bloated and sleep poorly. But then I’ll have a glass of red wine with my fianćee to celebrate the end of our Equinox holiday, where we’ve been hiking for a solid week, and my strength training and distance running has been progressing very well for a good quarter now, and this restaurant / pub has a red wine that I know I like the taste of.

    I never drink more than a glass or perhaps two maximum, and never to the point of being drunk anymore. Although I did enjoy some healthy nights out bopping in clubs with some mild inebriation back when I was at university in my 20s.