That’s it that’s the post.

Oh, I need to write more?

There’s a lot of bs in the fitness industry, and often that bs is repeated by athletes themselves.

It irks me especially when new gym-goers turn towards the geared buff guys for their advice. You have to understand that the difference between you and these guys is that you’re never gonna reach their level. These guys can go to the gym twice a day every day of the week and make gains like it’s nothing. You’d be lucky to be in condition to go back the next day if you put yourself through an intense workout as a natty.

It’s an assumption that because someone looks strong, they must know what they’re doing. It doesn’t apply to people on gear solely; at my gym people go to the big guys for advice, some of whom are not loading. But the “tiny” guy whom I sometimes work out with has some great science and biomechanics advice to give out, some of which I’ve put into practice myself.

But certainly if they get results they have a good workout plan. Ask them about that first before asking about how much you should eat or how you can maximise your gains if you take creatine. (Although in my experience people are quick to praise their training routine yet never actually want to share it lol)

Though sometimes you see people like V Shred who look muscular but have no idea what they’re talking about, and it does kinda comfort me to know that if it worked for them and their terrible advice, then it can only work for me and my sound advice.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    1 year ago

    Well, to each their own. There’s this one huge guy who always does front squats and my friend and I never did them before. He taught us proper form as well as tips on how to maximize efficiency of exercise. I don’t expect to look exactly like him within 3 years or anything but over time I can definitely gain body mass and gain weight in a healthy way.

    • CriticalResist8OPA
      1 year ago

      Yes, the geared people that actually understand there’s a difference between a natty and a non-natty (I guess that’s a word?) and can help you out are great. But they also make their gains on a level that is simply unattainable for naturals. Even studies show that taking steroids and remaining sedentary in your lifestyle will make you put on several pounds of muscle. They could literally do anything they want that’s mildly physical and grow (no I’m not jealous 😭)

      To be honest this post came to my mind because I remember overhearing a new guy at the gym ask the obviously geared dude how to become big like him, and one of the tips was “you gotta eat eat eat”. Though he also did point out the importance of proper sleep.

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        1 year ago

        I agree with that 100%, you absolutely DO need to eat more than you ever usually do pretty often. If it wasn’t for my love of rice and Corned Beef Hash which are cheap and filling, I would’ve gone broke with how much I would spend on food for gains

        • CriticalResist8OPA
          1 year ago

          Studies have found you need a 250-400 caloric surplus compared to your TDEE for maximum efficiency. People on steroids could likely eat until they’re ready to burst because of what the steroids do to their metabolism, their diet is not transferable to a natural bodybuilder and many hobbyist who use steroids don’t actually realise that.

          There’s a lot of bs in the fitness industry and this one is pervasive haha. It’s not wrong per se, but it needs proper framing.

          After that threshold, you won’t really improve fat-free mass gain and instead will put on more fatty mass. Which also helps with performance, but then you might have to lose it depending how much you put on. Also in regards to the guy in question, eating like a tank won’t ever make one look jacked like him.

          That’s of course only in a bulking setting, which is something steroid users don’t have to worry about as much. Because of their metabolic changes, they will enter a caloric deficit pretty easily and so can stay eating at a surplus for the most part (at least while on a cycle).