that car owner is probably a registered republican, and maybe a defender of “traditional values” and “fighting against the 2030 agenda”

  • Addfwyn
    2 months ago

    Yeah, my understanding is that there are a lot of things that can get you on that list. Public urination is one.

    I sorta understand, because the issue there is basically indecent exposure. Though I have seen my fair share of people relieving themselves in alleys after drinking too much, and they’re not trying to show anybody anything.

    If they can break down other crimes with intent, I don’t see why they can’t do the same here. “Indecent exposure with intent” could warrant being registered as a sexual offender, whereas public urination probably shouldn’t be.

    • Soviet Pigeon
      2 months ago

      This list is again one of the stupids things the land of the free has. Especially USA, because it has public access. Rehabilitation is the last thing the US is interested in.

      Their laws has so much inconsistency, so I can’t be sure if it is legit if someone is on this list or not. And I mean it that way, because every stupid ass state has different laws. One thing can be a felony or misdemeanor in one US state, but can be legal in other US states, while being totally normal in other countries.

      However this is not an information which should be public available. If it is needed for work, then it should be possible to get a official document, where it is written if that person has committed crimes or not.

      The USA has a completely different legal tradition to where I live (inherited from the Brits). The mere possibility of putting someone in prison for 50, 500 or 5000 years is absurd.