I dunno which side to stand on. Should I be concerned with the racebending? Is there something I should be upset about?

  • 201dberg
    2 years ago

    I hear the show is just bad in general. Unfunny meta trash a friend told me.

    As far as the race/gender argument of shows is concerned… Personally, I don’t really care about the race or gender of the character. Just the plot and actual character development. Imo if you designed and wrote a good character you could roll a die for the race for all I care. Just make them interesting and well written ffs.

    Unfortunately I feel a lot of these shows the entire point of the character is to be “why yes I am [race gender], deal with it” as the basis for the ENTIRE character. Just an empty shell otherwise, which makes for an annoying preachy character at best. I’m not saying brining up these things is always bad just don’t make that the entire existence of the character.

    I also believe some (probably more than that) writers/directors will purposely not care about writing better characters/development then cast the character to be a minority so when people don’t like the character they can just claim it’s because they are all racist/sexist. Which only serves to hurt the diversity movement imo. It pushes away people that otherwise would be indifferent and just want to see a good show. It makes it harder for the people who legitimately want to support the movement, and it gives ammo to those that are actually racist/sexist assholes.

    • Muad'DibberA
      2 years ago

      The kind of tokenism that shows do now, where characters have no depth or traits outside their identity, is really offensive too.

    • redtea
      2 years ago

      There are well written stories that get ruined by execs for marketing purposes.

      There are will written stories that get ruined by execs for propaganda purposes.

      I hate it, but I can usually get on with both kinds. Like when it’s revealed at the end of a crooked cop drama that, after all, not all cops… the show can be fun right up till the last five minutes. So it’s not too bad.

      But then there are poorly written stories that never had substance from the beginning because they were only ever written to be sold and to propagandise. In this situation, the writer storyboards ‘drama’, which just means characters acting as shitty as absolutely fucking possible to each other, just to create tension and drama that can be resolved in the denouement. In between these ‘plot points’ the writers try to storyboard pro-imperialist messages as if they’re trying to make a cult drinking bingo game for communists. It’s boring as fuck.

      Almost everything nowadays falls into this latter category. I’ve not seen not even heard of Velma until this comment. So I’m talking in general.

      It’s all always going to be commodified within capitalism. Unfortunately for viewers, the studios are now so far gone with the monopoly finance capital that there’s nobody stopping them from cannibalising the industry, the artists, and themselves with it.