I loved the old-style forums that were around before digg and Reddit largely took over their role. Today, Lemmy is the closest thing I’ve found to the same type of culture and tighter-knit community I felt on the older forums. Finding Lemmy has completely stripped any desire for me to want to use Reddit again as the culture there feels like it is constantly working to suck my soul out through my eyeballs.

While I understand everyone has different preferences than me, I also wonder why Lemmy users continue to frequent anything but the smaller, niche subreddits. Reddit feels as if it has been decaying for a long time and there is little substance left on the wider site, while Lemmy doesn’t feel this way.

So what keeps you going back?

Is it hate-scrolling? Is it niche subs? Do you feel differently about the cultures of Reddit and Lemmy?

Please help me understand.

  • MeowZedongOP
    2 months ago

    Science experiences too much gatekeeping and as an institution is designed to keep the “wrong” people out. It’s important to recognize when you don’t know enough about a subject to speak authoritatively, but the actual qualifications just serve to maintain the boys club. You should always pursue what you are interested in even if you don’t take classes in an institution.

    I hadn’t ever checked out this game, but it sounds cool. Games, videos, and other alternatives to the classroom and reading are great ways to encourage interest in sciences and begin learning a subject.

    If I’d taken a physics class before I’d gotten so deep into chemistry, I probably would have pursued a career in physics because it’s so interesting to me too.

    • WhatWouldKarlDo
      2 months ago

      Oh I’m not concerned about gatekeeping. It’s more that I don’t feel I have anything to contribute really. I am very much an applied sciences sort of person.

      I have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, but have little interest in the academic side of it. I have taken many physics classes, but again, I largely steered clear of theoretical physics. I like to hear about them, and I do my best to understand them, but it’s not a career that I would be interested in. I would be far happier building bridges or designing aircraft.

      Ultimately, my physics knowledge occasionally gets used to make computer simulations, or helps me to understand new achievements in science.