I went out to dinner the other night with a family friend, and he spent the entire dinner talking about some right wing conspiracies. I feel like my brain is rotting oml. Does anyone else have to sit through conversations like this?

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    One of my good friends back in The Netherlands became a politician for a right wing liberal party (VVD, current ruling party). He’s active in our hometown for said party. On the national level it’s a party full of neoliberal ghouls who go from one scandal to another. He still thinks they are too left leaning, and he wants them to be even more right wing.

    Had a discussion on immigrants a while back. He had no problems with Ukrainians of course, Africans where his main problem.

    My mom used to be a centrist and my dad mainly voted right wing populist, but through leading by example and discussion with them, they now vote left.