I went out to dinner the other night with a family friend, and he spent the entire dinner talking about some right wing conspiracies. I feel like my brain is rotting oml. Does anyone else have to sit through conversations like this?

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    Father who in turn brainwashes mother. Sister’s the only one in my family I can count on not to have shitty politics as she’s a baby commie, but I’m probably 20x more invested in political education than she is. My brain short circuits any time my dad says anything political, and my heart breaks when my mother does as I know it comes straight from my dad. She’s far, far smarter than he is, but she’s also trapped in a Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump superfan’s echo chamber.

    I won’t have right-wing friends. Best I can do is well-intentioned but uneducated liberal/social democrat at this point in my life. Just don’t need that kinda toxicity tbh