• Muad'DibberOPMA
      2 years ago

      Where do you draw the line? Some gamer gets to say something transphobic, but its okay because they said they have autism?

      We have a code of conduct, and there’s no excuse for breaking it. It makes marginalized ppl feel unwelcome.

      • Arsen6331 ☭
        2 years ago

        I am Autistic. I don’t tend to use the word “asshole” much, but if I did, I’d probably word my comment exactly like this person did. In doing so, it would not be my intention to blame the victims by calling them assholes. Rather, I interpret that wording more like “Most of these people act like individualistic assholes who only care about themselves. It’s part of the culture created by capitalism in America.”

        What I can definitely say is how a response like this would make me feel. It would absolutely crush me. I would end up being depressed for days if not weeks if just one person replied like that, let alone as many people as did so here. I’d be thinking about it years in the future, after everyone else has forgotten about it.

        A more useful response would be to explain to me that people might interpret that incorrectly and tell me to re-word my comment. I would do so immediately upon seeing that reply,

        • Muad'DibberOPMA
          2 years ago

          Seeing their responses and interactions with ppl outside this thread, its clear they’re being edgy and emotionally uncaring.

          “Most of these people act like individualistic assholes who only care about themselves.”

          Even that charitable interpretation of their comment is very offensive. The article is about people suffering from alienation from their friends and social circles during covid.

          Whereas the article focuses on caring for this group of ppl, the commenter decided to victim-blame them and call ppl who are losing their friends, “assholes”.

          I asked them to clarify, in order to see if they really do think capitalist alienation should be blamed on its victims, but they haven’t responded.

          Also I think you’re coming from an empathetic position, I apologize if I’m not handling this well. I just want to make sure we aren’t allowing the “dirtbag left” / various other edgelords on here.

          • Arsen6331 ☭
            2 years ago

            I agree that victim blaming should not be allowed on here, but I also think it’s important to understand what the person meant before replying negatively, especially when the person is Autistic and may not have the same ability to articulate their thoughts as that of a neurotypical person.

            If you respond negatively to an Autistic person that has similar problems as I do (not all do, of course) when they didn’t intend the meaning you understood, they’d feel emotionally hurt and would feel the need to defend themselves. In cases like these, I tend to fixate on my original statement and just defend it beyond all reason even if I know logically that it is wrong and I should stop. It is something I am working on, but it’s very hard not to because I feel immense stress and in that moment all I want is to make it go away. The only method I can think of to do that under such stress is to continuously attempt to justify myself in an attempt to negate the negative response.

            In some cases, I may also flee instead of defending, in which case, I would end up deleting my account or just never using it again, which is what appears to have happened to the person who was defending the original commenter. They seem to have deleted all their messages and their account.