• Star Wars Enjoyer A
      72 years ago

      They talk about perceived threats to “democracy”

      The propaganda intention of it is to give the smaller voiceless “democratic” nations centre stage to talk about the things they see as threats to their nation and their government. But the underlying intention is for the biases of the western sphere of influence to be spoken by smaller countries. It’s essentially the “my black friend agrees with me” of international liberal politics.

      For instance, they’re set to discuss Taiwan this year - and took a big leap in legitimizing Taiwan as a nation in the eyes of the west by inviting them. So, at least to me, it’s looking like this year’s SfD is gonna be used as a wedge against China.

      • @Sizz@lemmy.ml
        -82 years ago

        So. Taiwan deserves to be recognised of their achievements in democracy. They kicked out the Tyrants and established their own liberal democracy. Taiwan is the only country in Asia to allow gay marriage.

        If you are for LGBTQ+ rights, then you should support Taiwan.

        Gays in Asia have it bad. It goes from executing gays like in Iran, tolerating them (South East Asia) to locking them up if they are too political (Russia and China.)

        Support LGBTQ rights by supporting Taiwan.

  • @KiwiProle
    32 years ago

    I mean some of those countries are the most in need of democracy

    • @CriticalResist8OPA
      62 years ago

      We shall bomb Democracy Bombs on the USA. On impact, these bombs release 1ton of democracy each. We estimate that by 2050, the USA will be fully democratic thanks to our new bombs. We are doing this for them.