• SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
      4 months ago

      While accurate, it’s also too vague. Which capitalists are responsible, for championing its highest form as a world system, for pushing it to its furthest logical extensions, and for countless horrendous crimes and genocides done in its name? The Latin American, Asian, African capitalists? Or even, more sensibly, the European capitalists? No, it’s the Anglo-Americans, and when and where it has not been them, it has been those inspired by (and often also in some considerable degree instigated by) them. And when and where other nations have sought to progress past it or even just lessen its excesses, it is those greatest champions of capital (and genocide, and imperialism), the Anglo-Americans, who have, time and time again, acted as the “global policemen” (and global corrupters, global terrorists) to undermine and destroy such positive change.

      There’s a reason why, in the multipolar world that is now being built, nations of all stripes- AES like China, capitalist nations like Russia, Brazil, South Africa, reactionary monarchies like the Saudis and Islamic republics like Iran, and even fascists in all but name like the Indian Hindutvas, and all sorts of other nations and peoples of all kinds across the globe, are finding common cause, in overthrowing this unbearable yoke.

      Capitalism is to blame, yes. But it is its highest form- imperialism- which is the first and foremost contradiction, which must be taken down as a world system, which must be specifically defined (and recognized as the highest stage of capital, yes) and singled out here, I believe- and one cannot speak of imperialism, without mentioning and singling out the regime which runs the show behind this world system today, the US empire.