• sinovictorchan
    2 years ago

    The Canadian government are now forcing Indigenous people into concentration camps as conditions for the Indigenous people to gain rent payments and reparation money from the hundred year of child enslavement, mass murder, and savage indoctrination in fake residential schools from Canadian independence to 1996. Do you think that the USA will suddenly stop their torture and concentration camps against their Indigenous population if Canadian government still persecute even Christian European Americans with one-fourth Indigenous ancestry? Although the Canadian governments did not forcebly steal Indigenous land except in the British Columbia province, they still assumed that almost all the land in Canada belonged to the European settlers and frame the rent payment to Native American landload as free money in their slander from fake news.

    The Conservative Party leader of Canada in 2006, Stephen Harpers, even refused to confused that the fake residential schools raise the enslaved children into cannibalistic savages for three generations who do not understand the concept of family love that European children take for granted contrary to the supposed goal of the fake schools to raise children under the European Christian culture. In the first place, which Canadian government and Christian churches think that it is a good idea to hire nuns and alchoholic homeless white pedophiles as slave drivers for the Indigenous children so that those orphan or abused white people who are jealous of Indigenous children for their loving Native American parents can make the enslaved children suffer from the same hellish childhood lives as the useless white hobos in society.