• @lil_tank
    101 year ago

    Free thinkerz are the ones who believe what their government told them to 😎

    Also damn this guy got the source I was looking for pwease gimme the sauce https://lemmygrad.ml/post/443320

    • @illume
      61 year ago

      one of the funniest things to me is that anticoms often act like they’re free thinkers for hating communism, as if they are a bastion of free thought against an army of communist drones, when(for these people, who generally reside in the imperial core) the situation could not be more the opposite

      we live rent free in their heads partially because at some level they have realized that we have a point and thus are rebelling against their subconscious and logical areas of their brain, then calling it “free thought”; it’s almost as though they know 1+1 = 2 but are acting like geniuses for saying 1+1 = 3, truly horrifying how indoctrination/political socialization led by the capitalist class works

      as always, no actually engaging with the logic or history there; even western historians will acknowledge the role that socdems and centrist parties played in the nazi rise to power. hell even in my lib history class we learned about this, though of course the socdems are usually painted as the good guys and why didn’t they voot harder for them smh

      hoi4 is a fun game, and i will admit that I’ve enjoyed painting the map red as the soviets, but god does it induce some of the biggest lib cringe moments