I’m struggling with the thought of potentially bringing another person into this world in the future.

Things are so bad already and on track to get worse. Why, with this knowledge, should I have a child? Why should any of us?

I’m not asking this to be some overpopulation crazy eco-fascist but I just genuinely am wondering (and have an open mind) about what the actual implications are of bringing a child into the world right now.

By 2050 it’s pretty broadly agreed upon that things will be HORRIBLE climate wise and even worse if capitalism isn’t defeated soon. 2022 + 80 year potential life span is 2102. What will it be like then?

Why not adopt one of the billions of climate refugees instead?

I don’t know, maybe I’m way out of touch but I just can’t think of a reason to damn a child to a life like that.

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    I’m pretty much in the same thought boat as you, personally. I’ve contemplated getting snip pretty seriously since I was even younger, and I’m not anywhere near being too old to have kids.

    A comrade made a point I thought was valid: fascists are having kids, so should we - so that the next generation will be even more radical than us as we teach them radicalism from a young age (although Pete Buttigieg might disagree with that assessment lol). If I were to ever want a child, I would adopt. Same opportunity to raise young Marxists, and it gets an already existing child out of the system.

    There may also be some internalized eugenics-y reasons for me personally, not wanting to pass on my many disabilities through blood. That might be fucked up and I would adopt a disabled child in a heartbeat, but the idea just rubs me the wrong way, like I said personally.

    edit: I also want to add that I don’t view anyone other than myself with this mindset. It is others’ prerogative whether or not they have children despite their disabilities, and I support them in that. I also think that there is an unfair malignment of people who do not want to pass their genes down, for disability-related reasons, however.

      • KiG V2
        2 years ago

        Yeah, it’s always a little unfortunate seeing the 20-30 year old Jessicas and Marks getting their big truck and pumping out 6-8 little Tuckers and Lakynns in the suburbs.

        Probably the absolute worst, piece of shit, murder-worthy person I know is having twins, they’ll be his 7th and 8th 😒 me and a related friend have joked about chemical castration more than once. I genuinely think fascists have a particularly strong narcissistic slant with their kids, obsessed with the whole “this is my mini me who will shower me with love unconditionally forever and live life how I always wanted.”

          • KiG V2
            2 years ago

            I really genuinely think they just have kids for all the wrong reasons, mostly that narcissistic stereotype. Sometimes for little free laborers, sometimes to save a failing romantic relationship. Sometimes pressure from equally shitty parents. We all know the types.

            Man oh man I’ve seen a lot of my peers have kids but some of them don’t even have the sense to lie about why, some of them just straight up cite sugar-coated versions of these reasons…