I just came from failing at my exam. The one subject I studied the most, the one I sacrificed the other subjects for. I panicked and I wasn’t able to do simple math. Nothing ever works. I’m living in almost complete poverty, don’t even have money for toilet paper, eat basically rice every day, I can’t even wash my clothes. My mother has kind of told me to fuck off and I’m supposed to go and live with my drug addict of a father, I need to get a shitty job, I don’t know if I have the mental equilibrium to do both a job and university. I have nothing. I have no one. I need to kill myself and stop pretending I can go forward, it only ever gets worse.

  • ComradeSalad
    2 years ago

    If it would at all be possible, I would highly recommended reaching out to an advising counselor at your university. It is very common for universities to offer remedial class support, you could be able to retake the exam after demonstrating to your professor you understand the material, and at the very least you may be able to retake the class and have your old grade stricken from your transcript and not have it drag you down.

    An advising counselor might also be very helpful in helping you find monetary support through government, university, or local grants, support stipends, housing support, food assistance and many many more things that can help level the playing field for you. I speak from experience as I can attest that even in the poor, underdeveloped area that I live, programs such as those have saved my life. They will not turn you away if you ask for help, even if you think you might not deserve it or qualify, many will do their best to help you as best they can, and even a little can go a long way.

    But most importantly, I need you to know that you can make it through this friend. We believe in you, and know that you can do this. I know I am simply words on a screen for you, but you still deserve to know that you are believed in, cheered on, and supported. Don’t throw away a good future due to the present. I can see that you want to succeed and better yourself, otherwise you wouldn’t care or ask for help, and that shows me you can pull through this. You can do this.