You know it’s bad when even “Nate Higgers” disagrees.

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    6 months ago

    This is the most blatant use of the sharp shooter tactic that I’ve ever seen. With such a ridiculously selective and oversimplified presentation of data, you could even ‘prove’ that the Third Reich wasn’t antisemitic at all.

    Liberated Ukraine, Poland, the Baltics and many more

    Ukraine was part of the Third Reich’s struggle for living room, so violence against ordinary Ukrainians was fair game. Same for Poland, and many Baltic proletarians, even if they were white gentiles, suffered under the Axis.

    Had Germans, Italians, Japanese, Filipinos, Arabs, Indians, Blacks, Slavs and many more fighting for them

    So? Anybody can say the same for the Allies.

    Tried to Free Palestine

    Then the Axis simply would have extended its atrocities there, eventually including the natives.

    Never had segregation beetwen [sic] blacks and Whites

    This is lie. Historians have recognised that the Fascists imposed apartheid on East Africans, and the reason for the want of Reich legislation explicitly targeting black humans is simple:

    In defining Jewishness, the [Third Reich] also attempted to protect the category “Aryan” at all costs. In terms of “blackness,” no explicit definition was ever determined, but the “one‐drop” rule operated in default. The Nuremberg laws would be correctly read as one of the points of no return along the path toward a final solution to the problem of the presence of Jews, [Roma], Blacks, and others who were not wanted [under European Fascism].

    While the segregation of people of African descent into physical ghettos made little practical sense, and black labor was not present in any appreciable way in any occupation or profession to warrant a prohibition, they would be caught in the broad net of terror and intimidation thrown by the [Fascists] over Germany social and political life.


    Many fled to South America, lived among Latinos

    That doesn’t mean that the surviving Axis employés saw the indigenes as their equals. The Catholic Church had a strong presence in South America, there were already about 1.5 million people of Germanic stock living in Latin America, and many upper‐class and petty bourgeois Catholics sympathized with the Axis, so fleeing to South America was an obvious choice.

    For much of the Catholic Church’s leadership, it will be recalled, World War II had been an interlude in a deeper and more important struggle against “atheistic communism” that had been raging for decades. […] As [the Western Axis] collapsed during late 1944 and early 1945, many senior church officials helped organize a massive campaign of refugee relief for millions of Catholics fleeing from Eastern Europe.

    Once this was under way, few distinctions were made between the Catholics responsible for the crimes against humanity committed in the Axis states and those being persecuted simply for opposition to the Soviets. […] Factions within the church that had long been sympathetic to the [Third Reich’s] extreme anti‐Communist stand organized large‐scale programs to facilitate the escapes of tens of thousands of [Fascists] and collaborators from Germany, Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, the Ukraine, and a number of other Eastern European states.


    • ComradeSalad
      6 months ago

      Also, there were what? 20,000 black and mixed people in all of Germany, and practically all concentrated in the Rhineland because of the French? You just know that if there were 100,000 the Nazis would have gone out of their way to include them in the racial cleansing first and foremost, along with Jews and Slavs.

      Also they were forcibly sterilized, marked for extermination, and discriminated for labour, housing, and medical services by law.