One must point out that Zonshien’s description of a “pile” of people could either be military or civilians, but those distinctions apparently did not factor into his calculations. This is, of course, significant in [neocolonial] terms because the Hannibal doctrine had hitherto only been limited to soldiers.

The next part of Zonshein’s testimony, however, offers a revealing insight into his rationale for attacking the pickup trucks: “Because something in my gut feeling told me that they could be on them.”

In other words, Zonshein thought that his fellow soldiers might be among the captured — which is precisely why he opened fire.

  • Justice
    6 months ago

    It’s absolutely fucking batshit insane that a military, any military, has standing orders to kill their fellow soldiers if they’re in danger of being captured. And not because like “we face a brutal enemy who will torture us, so it’s better to die!” No, the only reason is literally “if they capture one of our soldiers that will be a bargaining piece to get back 1000 of the hostages we kidnapped from Palestine.” They’re so bloodthirsty and, frankly, genocidal that they’ll happily gun down dozens of their so-called comrades in arms just to avoid ever having to suffer the embarrassment of releases illegally detained Palestinians. Fucking insane