Regularly, I’d ignore it, but some Gusano sent me this and this. Is is true that evictions are being carried out in Cuba?

In both links, it talks about how the people who were “evicted” were in abandoned buildings, so my bet is that the government doesn’t want them in dilapidated buildings. I’d love some clarification on these matters, please.

  • linkhidalgogato
    2 years ago

    basically yeah it happens all systems have cracks.

    but more specifically it is very very very rare. you have to think of evictions in a different way when it comes to cuba because the reasons they happen in most capitalist countries are not paying rent or taxes but rent is almost non existent in cuba and property taxes are non existent. So the only reasons evictions happen are squatting and an old building being declared unsafe, the first one is rare enough on its own but cuba has laws to protect squatters and which allows them to eventually own the place they live which makes it even more rare, as to the second one it happens more now than it used to but its still not all that common. But yeah sometimes people living in places they dont own get evicted usually when its a building owned by the government and they want it for something (if its something like someone’s second house or an empty residential building an eviction is almost impossible to happen) and some small percentage of those people are left homeless.

    • IdliketothinkimsmartOP
      2 years ago

      Huhuh, thank you for the thoughtful response :). I figured it had to be something like this. The whole websites the worm sent me were all very strange. It almost had this like…office-space cut out article time and time again. Strangely, there was never any update with any of the issues they wrote about, so how convenient. I don’t the mothers in the story were fake, but they were certainly being cynically used by the outlet to push an agenda. If the Cuban people have criticisms of their own government, then I’m sure the Cuban government is more than willing to listen!

      It’s especially ironic for a Florida based gusano to talk about evictions lol. I mean, there have probably been more evictions in Florida in the past year alone compared to the past 50 years in Cuba.