A guy around here claimed Irish heritage and I was like “oh yeah I love listening to ‘come out ye black and tans’ and ‘my little armalite’” and said something vaguely implying that the british were bad and he got all quiet
I barely think that I might have some Irish ancestry and I made sure to know how they really fuckin felt about their lot in life
Kinda boggled my mind that he wouldn’t do the same
Lmao A guy around here claimed Irish heritage and I was like “oh yeah I love listening to ‘come out ye black and tans’ and ‘my little armalite’” and said something vaguely implying that the british were bad and he got all quiet
I barely think that I might have some Irish ancestry and I made sure to know how they really fuckin felt about their lot in life
Kinda boggled my mind that he wouldn’t do the same