
The #Genocide of the #PalestinianPeople is no less HEINOUS than the #Genocide of the #NativeAmericans.
For those of you who still don’t understand, the great humanitarian #RogerWaters puts it simply so that you do: “Genocide is always wrong”.

Wow. Israel is WORSE than the Indigenous Genocide in North America? Did I miss something or did Israel suddenly pass the Scalp act of 1749 & offer to pay $123 per Palestinian for proof their head was cut off? Did the IDF institute a “Trail of Tears” & force march hundreds of thousands Gazans to Jordan or Syria & let the march kill 50% of participants? That would be 1.1 million dead, right? Did the population of Palestinians decrease 90-95% by summary execution, disease, massed forced migration? Oh wait. No? Then it’s not the same now is it? It’s weasel words for stupid people who abuse history for stupider people.


    • DamarcusArt
      8 months ago

      Genocide olympics is the last refuge of status quo liberals. As long as they can prove their genocide is only 98% as bad as another genocide, they can still pretend that the status quo is fine and they don’t have to reflect on their lack of humanity.